I figured I talk alot why not write a lot also.
I have a friend offering me a 10 GB slim hard drive for $75. Here in Puerto Rico these drives are not in stores, not something that has caught on yet. The hard drive has no name brand but he claims the internal drive is from IBM. I have been searching the internet for slim hard drives with similar storage and usb connections and somehow am not having any luck finding any at all. I can't seem to figure out the correct words to google in order to find these types of drives. Was hoping someone can point me to where I can find these kinds of drives to comapre to see if it's worth the $75. The reason I consider it is because In Sam's Club I found a memory stick with 2 Gigs for $120, so 10 Gigs for $75 sounds like a great deal, but wonder if there are better deals out there that I can wait a few more weeks when I more back to Florida and buy one over there. All help will greatly be appreciated.
on May 15, 2006
I've got a 40gig that cost $75, i have a 160 I paid 85 for it. Go to Maxtor. That's what both of mine are. One's 3 yrs old, the other is about 8 mo.
on May 15, 2006
Are they slim or average size. the one I speak of is about the size of a calculator and my friends is just slightly bigger with 40 gigs.
on May 15, 2006
The hard drive has no name brand

That should be a deal-breaker right there.

$75 is way too much to be paying for a used, 10GB drive of dubious origins and condition.

Though you didn't say it specifically, it sounds like you want an external USB drive.

There are several at Newegg.com

$50-$75 range: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?N=2010150414+4026&Submit=ENE&SubCategory=414
$75-$99 range: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?N=2010150414+4027&Submit=ENE&SubCategory=414

In the $75-$100 range, I highly recommend the IOGear I have purchased three of these for work. They have a durable aluminum case, and are easy to transport.
on May 15, 2006
ah, great stuff. Thanx for the links. Somehow I just couldn't find it. I never said it was a used hard drive but now that you mention it It is possible. and afetr viewing the links I will n ot get it cause I can get a higher storage for the same prices. Thanx.
on May 18, 2006
The drives in question are notebook/laptop hard drives(2.5"). They have a much lower power requirement than desktop drives so they can be powered by USB. As said above be very wary of second hand 2.5" drives as they can be damaged easily. I have one myself and i bought it very cheaply by ordering a USB 2.5" case on ebay (From Hong Kong i think) then just buying my own drive and putting it in the case. You can then happily upgrade to a bigger disk at your leisure.