I figured I talk alot why not write a lot also.
Published on April 21, 2006 By DJBandit In Blogging
Ever wanted to join the US military forces just because you want to? Not because of necessity, money for school or the need to kill. I’m talking about looking at a commercial and feel that somehow you have the need to wear the uniform, the need to have the skills, the pride of going up ranks, the chance to control today’s most sophisticated vehicles, planes and weapons, the feel to know that you’re fighting for the lives of those you love and your country.

I would like to feel that way, every time I watch the TV show JAG, every time I see an Army, Navy or Marine commercial. To see them in those uniforms makes me proud of them and it makes me wish I was by their side sharing that life style. You’re probably asking yourself “if you feel that way then why don’t you just join the military forces and get it over with?”, but then you also probably have the answer to that question as well. Something along the lines of “ he’s not stupid, not with the war in Iraq going on” or “ he’s probably not up to it” and maybe even “he’s scared of dying”. If this is what you think I would have to say you couldn’t be more wrong. Till today I still believe we have done the right thing in Iraq ( but that’s just my opinion and it’s not the topic of this article so don’t go there) so I don’t fear doing my part if necessary, I may not be fit to handle the stress of the training mentally and physically but the only way to know is trying and yes I am afraid of dying, but who isn’t? This will not stop me from doing the things that I like, I will except that death will come someday regardless of how, dying as a soldier would only make it more honorable as far as I’m concerned.

So why not join? Simple, I can’t make up my mind simply because I think about my wife, kids and my mother. I fear of leaving them alone to face the world while I join, train and maybe even fight. I’m the man of the house, the one who brings home the bacon; my wife has yet to prove to me that she can replace me if needed. I guess you can also think if she is not given the chance to prove herself how can she do it on her own? I don’t see why she can’t do it today, with me here. I also fear leaving them alone if I was to lose my life. I feel it would be much worse than leaving them for a while. Even worse is I don’t wish to leave them behind, I will miss my children and I would hate to think that the last thing I see before I die is anything but them, that the last time I saw them was months and maybe years ago and to die far away from them sounds heartbreaking to me. I know many soldiers go thru this; some never get to see their newborns, others won’t ever see their parents, girlfriends, children or spouses again.

So, every time I see a commercial, every time I watch JAG, I ask myself should I join the military forces? Then I go into this circle of “I should” and “I can’t”. I’m only 30 and still able to join, I can’t make up my mind. I only know that once I make a decision I will not be ashamed of what I chose regardless of what anyone says.

(disclaimer: This is not a Bush bashing article, this has nothing to do with Bush, this disclaimer is the only time Bush is being mentioned. I will not allow this article to become a Bush bashing fest so please I ask to keep you comments to the topic. Say what you wish about me or what I think but I only want opinions and ideas about joining the US Military Forces. Thank you.)

on Apr 21, 2006
Any takers?
on Apr 21, 2006
Charles, I'm just letting you know I read this, but I really have no idea on what you should do. Me not having any experience or knowledge of miltary life, rules, etc, although I do have families and friends in the Navy and Army. But there are many people here who does and hopefully one of them will be able to give you some advice.

on Apr 21, 2006
Thanx. I know I might get a few who will think I'm crazy to even consider joining with Bush still the President. That doesn't bother me at all.
on Apr 21, 2006

Thanx. I know I might get a few who will think I'm crazy to even consider joining with Bush still the President. That doesn't bother me at all.

Go Navy!  My family is all Blue Navy, and I wish I had joined!

on Apr 21, 2006
I actually want to go to the Navy. 1 simple reason, they have the F-14 Tomcat, my dream jet. Though I may never be able to fly one due to my 20-30 vision.

Who knows.
on Apr 21, 2006

I actually want to go to the Navy. 1 simple reason, they have the F-14 Tomcat, my dream jet. Though I may never be able to fly one due to my 20-30 vision.

I love the sea!  I would really like to get rich, and retire on a yacht!  I dont care for the flying.

on Apr 21, 2006
I would really like to get rich, and retire on a yacht!

Who doesnt? Oh yea, Col. .
on Apr 21, 2006
Charles I don't want to burst your bubble with a little reality....so don't take this the wrong way.

Unless you have a 4 year degree you can forget about flying an F-anything. Once you have a degree, then you apply for a commission, and are accepted active duty or not. Officers fly airplanes, enlisted folks work on them.

Without the college you can still join. But you will be 30 years old, and it will hurt. You will be taking orders from people younger than you, MUCH younger than you...some only about 20 years old. You may not have a problem with that but you should be aware of the reality.

I will also say, you should check out the payscale. If you are enlisting in any service as an E-1 or E-2 the pay is not enough to support a family of five. (If I am getting the number right...you, kids, wife and mom?). Even with a family of four as an E-2 I think you qualify in all 50 states for food stamps.

Also, you will actually have to marry your girlfriend because the military won't move her to your home base unless you have a marriage certificate. You may consider her your wife, but the military won't without the official paperwork.

The military is not the commercials. You could join tomorrow and never even leave the US. Plenty of people don't go to Iraq. They support the efforts there by working here.

Also I wouldn't suggest the Navy, at least on ship. You will be gone a lot...yeah the sea sounds great, FOR YOU...but what about your family? You can't even have a second job to support them (which you will need as an E-1,E-2). IMHO that would be a very selfish thing to do to them.

I don't usually suggest anyone stay away from the military, but in your case I would. Not because I don't think you could do a great job. But you are nearing the "high end" on age, and I don't know what you do now, but unless you are commissioned you'd almost certainly be taking a pay cut to start.

An E-1 under 4 months makes $1,178.10 a month. Divide that by two and subtract taxes and you aren't gonna make much at all.

After 4 months you move up to $1,273.50 a month...

E-2 makes $1,427.40 a month. That's about $650 every two weeks after taxes of you are lucky (plus an additional approx $200 meal money, and housing if you are stationed at a base with base housing...if not you will get a housing allowance...but it rarely covers rent and utilities..unless you live in the projects.) I don't see how you could support a family on that. Those pay grades are usually for guys right out of high school with no familial obligations.

If you are commissioned the first two years you will make $2,416.20 every month the first two years...minus taxes of course.

Just something to think about. I'm not saying it can't be done, but I am not certain the quality of life would be all that great, especially for your family if you choose a service that takes you from them by its nature, war time or not.

Just somethings to think about.
on Apr 24, 2006
Reply By: Tova7

Makes perfect sense to me. It's what I wanted to hear. I had my doubts and wasn't sure it was a good idea. I really would like to join, but I know my family is first now and that is the main reason I have not made the decision. I guess I really needed to hear it from someone. I have a hard time making up my mind because I, personally, don't want to be one of those who looks at those fighting for us thru a TV, I wanted to do my part as well. I know there are other ways to do it, but to me the military could have satisfied my need to help. But I have to help my family first so I guess I will chose to not go.

I appreciate everyone who responded. I've had this in my mind for a while and needed to let it out and hear opinions from others who are not related to get a more unbiased answer. Thank you.
on May 01, 2006
I like what you do, continue this way.