and a waste of braincells
Does everyone here understand the concept of “hands free headsets” for cell phones? Duh, the name alone should say it all. Hands free meaning you don’t need to use your hands when using a cell phone to talk. It leaves you hands free to do other things, like driving (not recommended), typing, writing and even making up and down movements with your hands while holding you private parts. To me this was a great idea, even better when the cord connecting the cell phone to the headset was cut off with Bluetooth technology, though because of that the headset is now a bit bigger to carry the battery. No biggy to me anyways.
So why the question at the beginning of the article? Simple, after what I saw today, the question just begs to be asked. As I got in line in the cafeteria today I noticed the guy in front of me had his right hand around his ear, I figured he was talking on his cell like everyone does, till his other hand caught my attention. I noticed his cell phone was on his left hand, so I thought “well a wireless hands free headset, probably Bluetooth”, and that’s when it hit me, Why did he have his right hand next to his ear if his cell phone was on his left hand? This was like the dumbest thing I had ever seen in my life. This was like paying $60 to have your hand next to your ear. I checked out the price of the headset and it was about $60, but why would anyone spend $60 on a gadget, whose soul purpose is to give you hands free use, just to use your hands to hold it to talk? Why not just keep using the cell phone in that matter? I’m not one to talk about wasting money, that’s why I am in some financial woes today, but even I am not that stupid to spend money on something just to use it the same way I used what I replaced it with.
Nothing funnier than someone wanting to be cool by getting the latest gadgets and then not know how to use them properly.