Keep in mind this is only an idea, a possibility that I can’t really prove but I consider to be very possible. A Conspiracy Theory I guess.
What if I told you that the deficit that we see everyday in the news, that we hear from some peoples mouths does not exist. What if I told you that all that interest that we are supposedly going to pay is nothing but a false. Can any of this be true? Why not?
Has anyone ever asked themselves where does Bush get all this money to fund the war in Iraq and Afghanistan? Ever wonder what bank in the world would have so much money to lend to the President? Ever wonder why would any bank lend him the trillions the US has today in debt? Interesting questions? I would think so. The money has to come from somewhere, but where? Simple, an American bank, The Federal Reserve Banks from the Federal Reserve System. A bank owned by the United States. So ask yourself, when the Gov’t “borrows” money to fund something like the war in Iraq, border patrol and/or a natural disaster, who are we borrowing the money from? Well ourselves. But if the Gov’t only makes so much money a year in taxes and things of those nature, then how is it possible that they can get more money out of thin air? Well it’s not really out of thin air, but if we are really smart enough, the answer should already be known to you.
We all know that all Gov’ts around the world are corrupt, even ours. We all know that the driving force of everything on this planet is money. We all know that everyone is always out to make a buck from those who are ignorant enough to give it to them. So what makes anyone think that we don’t make our own money? Yes ladies and gentlemen, it can be true. Just sit down and think for a moment, without any bias ideas, with a completely open mind, why would anyone, regardless if it’s Bush or any other president past or future, waste and waste and waste money and creating a huge deficit while at the same time claiming to have it cut in half but a certain date in the future? Does this make sense at all? Of course not. But…, what if it does? What if the Gov’t used their printers to make more money and no one knew about it? How would anyone know? The most powerful country in the world, how could they not get away with it? We have already seen what this and any other Gov’t is capable of doing for money.
My point is I believe that the whole deficit story is nothing but a false, we don’t own money to anyone but ourselves and that alone sounds stupid. The deficit is nothing but a story to keep people busy focused on it to stop them from seeing the truth that there really is no deficit. I say this because once upon a time the US had a deficit almost as big as the one we have today and the US was strong then and is still strong today. People paid their taxes then and they will pay them now and our economy grows day by day. As time passes the deficit will pay for itself little by little as our economy grows and the impact will not even be noticed. Just like it happened before. If the “deficit” that existed before did not kill us, that can only mean 2 things, that I too didn’t really exist and that like the one before, today’s deficit will not do us any harm, because it does not exist either, regardless of what the Press says, cause remember, the Press also belongs to the Gov’t. Believe it or not.